Yep, for those of you who've slogged through the epic saga of our trip, fear not, the end is nigh. Go into the light children...
Where was I? Oh yeah, so don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I'm a bit of a flaky flier. Put me in a twin-engine or a crop-duster with a gung ho pilot and I'm ecstatic, but big long-haul scheduled passenger flights give me the heeby-jeebies. My doc recommended valium washed down with liberal doses of gin (I really like her!) but then asked me not to tell anyone she said that, ooops! I substituted JD and champers for the gin (separately silly!) but even that didn't help me sleep, so the only thing that kept me sane this trip was taking pictures. I didn't really expect them to come out particularly well, but I was actually quite pleased with the results. This was shortly after take-off from Gatwick...

As you can see, I was keeping a beady eye on the monitor...

Then we got above the cloud so there wasn't much to see until the sun started to set...I got some really spectacular sunset shots, but I'm saving them to scrap with, so I'll just tease you with this fairly crummy one lol!

I really was keeping a close eye on the monitor, literally ticking off the miles as we travelled, couldn't wait to be back on the ground...

So you can imagine how thrilled I was thrilled when we finally caught sight of the Cascades...I was puzzled at first by the patterns until I realised I was looking at the results of the logging...

When we finally touched down at YVR I was cranky, hyper and not at all pleasant to be with, which just proves what a gentleman my better half is that he kindly overlooked it. We overnighted in Vancouver (and added a second night) before catching the ferry home...and it was so good to be home!!!!
Now what have I got for you after your mega holiday snaps ordeal? Well, firstly, a long awaited coffee for Amanda, hope you like it frothy!

Seems a bit mean, just coffee, eh? So I whipped up a bumper afternoon tea with finger sarnies and yummie pastries....

And at Kristi's suggestion, and because no get-together is complete without a bit of naughtiness, help yourself to a cocktail too....

Thanks for stopping by, see y'all soon!!!