30 April 2009
Baubles, Bits & Bobs by Belanna
I nearly walked away but then thought, what the heck, it couldn't hurt to try. So whether it was fluke or skill, I really wouldn't care to say, but I'm just thrilled I don't have to do it again!
So because I'm on a bit of a high, I finally got my rear in gear and launched my Etsy shop - Belanna's Baubles, Bits & Bobs. I've only got one item in it so far, but I was really pleased that it was so easy to set up. Now I just have to take loads of photos of all the other bits and bobs I've been tinkering with lol!
In other news, fab things are afoot this weekend at Digiscrap Station - starting with the every popular Friday Express - whoo whoo! Then tons of sales - followed by a mega marathon crop - where you get to show off all the goodies you gathered, bought and won during NSD - no matter where in scrap land it came from. How cool is that??? And not to mention prizes...oops did I mention prizes? No, I'm sure I wasn't meant to mention that....and not just digi prizes but some real world goodies too....but you didn't hear it from me!
But don't let me Twitter on (coz I do that now too lol!)...there's so much to do, so little time, and I can't be late again....help, I've got White Rabbit syndrome!
10 April 2009
Friday $2 Express, First ever sale & Freebie!!!
And even harder to believe, I'm in my first ever sale! The Easter & Passover Sale at Woolsweater Street has just started and runs until Sunday. All of Karen's incredible actions are includes and some simply stunning alphas from Flitterfidget - and all at 25% off! Click on the pic to go shop the sale:
And if you're wondering what I've been up to lately, well I've been hard at work creating commercial use brushes, and a new kit called Tarantella - inspired by that sensational Hilaire Belloc poem about the gypsy dance of Southern Italy. And I've got a little freebie in both stores that matches it - a pair of CD-shaped quick pages that can be used as is, or added to a larger layout as frame clusters. Hope you like them!
So if you're shopping in the Woolsweater Street Sale or the Friday Express, don't forget to add this little sweetie to your basket:

Have a great weekend everyone!