20 March 2009

Bad news, good news, late news...

We interrupt your scheduled programming to bring you .... me! Back again after a rather turbulent few weeks. First the bad news - along with millions of others I am now officially without work...so if you happen to know of anyone who needs a freelancing instructional content designer...let me know!

Now the late news...I'm always late to the party, but at least this time I'm only a week behind lol! My good friend and inspiration, Karen Stimson, introduced me to DigiscrapStation a while ago, and a jolly good store it is too! And as of last week they're hosting the Friday Express - fabulous $2 specials on all kinds of things including a whole host of personal, S4H and CU goodies.

Click on the ad to go directly to the Friday Express...but don't forget to have a browse through the store - there's lots of sales on!

And the good news? Well, erm... hopefully there's some of that on the way for all of us...but in the meantime, here's a little freebie to brighten your day...

Click on the preview to find out where to download this pair of 8x8 quickpages - you might just be surprised!

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