And we're off on another crazy helter skelter ADSR 4...and I have a new partner all the way from New Zealand - big hugz and hellos to Mag!!! And we have a new blog to track our please come visit us! Our team name is CaNZ Creatives and all you have to do is click the pic to find yourself transported to our ADSR blog:
This was my fairly hurried layout for the first challenge...and many thanks to Hummie for the inspiration! Hurried because I've been without power or internet most of the weekend and wanted to get it finished quickly before the lights went out again lol! The journalling is a little verse about siblings...of which I have many!
I kinda like mine, but by comparison, Mag's is a complete work of really have to go see it!!!
On other news, I didn't get a chance to post the last couple of days of Ali's 12 Days of Christmas Freebies before they were gone...New Year just got hectic! So I hope you managed to scoot over to SBB to snag them, but just in case you didn't, I can at least show you what you missed!

That's all for now, can't wait for Challenge 2!!!!
Gorgeous page, you're doing your bit for international relations! Excellent! Looking forward to seeing more.